Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I want to hear from you!

What restaurants do you like? What concerts are you planning on going to? What sporting events have you been to recently? Where are some of your favorite tourism spots in Chicago? Do you follow any blogs about cool spots in Chicago?


  1. I love live music too! You should share photos and your experiences from the upcoming concerts you're going to! I have been to Grand Lux Cafe too and the molten chocolate cake is the BEST!

  2. Any Brazilian steakhouse is simply amazing. You can’t beat hunks of meat on a sword. There should be more places like Texas de Brazil all over the place to satisfy everyone carnivorous needs. I went to a Bulls game with my girlfriend recently, and of course they won in the last 4 seconds, arguably the most exciting game this season. I also spent a night downtown with her at the Downtown Marriot on the Magnificent Mile, which was awesome! Splitting a room to get away from our families for a night was great and the hotel is really nice for a decent price. I can’t wait until April though for Wrigleyville to start buzzing with baseball fever though, the Cubs are my true Chicago passion. Hopefully I’ll learn about some more cool things to do in chicago through this blog, I’m looking forward to more posts!
